1 Wedding venues found in in Glanegg (Glanegg) and 59 in surrounding area (from 3407)
1 Wedding venues found in in Glanegg (Glanegg) and 59 in surrounding area (from 3407)
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Punkte erhält ein Eintrag für Vollständigkeit (ausgefüllte Eigenschaften und Bilder), Bewertungen und Premium entry.
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9,9 km (Distance from Glanegg)
9210 Pörtschach am Wörthersee, Carinthia, Austria
Number of people: Max. 120 personsType of venue:LockLockA maximum of 10 Hochzeitslocations can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Hochzeitslocations from the comparison.
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18,7 km (Distance from Glanegg)
9313 St. Georgen am Längsee, Carinthia, Austria
Number of people: Max. 80 personsType of venue:Lock Event location restaurantLockEvent locationrestauranthotelWinter gardenA maximum of 10 Hochzeitslocations can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Hochzeitslocations from the comparison.
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27,7 km (Distance from Glanegg)
9500 Villach, Carinthia, Austria
Number of people: Max. 200 personsType of venue:Event location restaurant hotelEvent locationrestauranthotelWinter gardenoutdoorsA maximum of 10 Hochzeitslocations can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Hochzeitslocations from the comparison.
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18,1 km (Distance from Glanegg)
9313 St. Georgen am Längsee, Carinthia, Austria
Number of people: Max. 60 personsType of venue:restaurant hotel Winery/HeurigerrestauranthotelWinery/Heurigerunusual venueA maximum of 10 Hochzeitslocations can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Hochzeitslocations from the comparison.
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6,6 km (Distance from Glanegg)
9063 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee, Carinthia, Austria
Number of people: Max. 100 personsType of venue:Event location outdoors Winery/HeurigerEvent locationoutdoorsWinery/Heurigerunusual venueA maximum of 10 Hochzeitslocations can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Hochzeitslocations from the comparison.
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23,9 km (Distance from Glanegg)
9521 Treffen, Carinthia, Austria
Number of people: Max. 88 personsType of venue:hotel Alpine pasturehotelAlpine pastureA maximum of 10 Hochzeitslocations can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Hochzeitslocations from the comparison.
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11,9 km (Distance from Glanegg)
9300 St. Veit an der Glan, Carinthia, Austria
Number of people: Max. 130 personsType of venue:InnInnA maximum of 10 Hochzeitslocations can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Hochzeitslocations from the comparison.
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21,2 km (Distance from Glanegg)
9551 Bodensdorf, Carinthia, Austria
Number of people: Max. 80 personsType of venue:hotelhotelA maximum of 10 Hochzeitslocations can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Hochzeitslocations from the comparison.
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24,1 km (Distance from Glanegg)
9571 Hochrindl, Carinthia, Austria
Number of people: Max. 80 personsType of venue:Inn Alpine pastureInnAlpine pastureA maximum of 10 Hochzeitslocations can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Hochzeitslocations from the comparison.
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10 km (Distance from Glanegg)
9210 Pörtschach am Wörthersee, Carinthia, Austria
Number of peopleType of venue:LockLockA maximum of 10 Hochzeitslocations can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Hochzeitslocations from the comparison.
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19,3 km (Distance from Glanegg)
9314 Launsdorf, Carinthia, Austria
Number of peopleType of venue:CastleCastleA maximum of 10 Hochzeitslocations can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Hochzeitslocations from the comparison.
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9,8 km (Distance from Glanegg)
9201 Krumpendorf, Carinthia, Austria
Number of peopleType of venueType of venue: not specifiedA maximum of 10 Hochzeitslocations can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Hochzeitslocations from the comparison.
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22,6 km (Distance from Glanegg)
9131 Grafenstein, Carinthia, Austria
Number of people: Max. 250 personsType of venue:Event location outdoors barnEvent locationoutdoorsbarnFarm/Country Houseprivate propertyunusual venueA maximum of 10 Hochzeitslocations can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Hochzeitslocations from the comparison.
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10,1 km (Distance from Glanegg)
9210 Pörtschach am Wörthersee, Carinthia, Austria
Number of peopleType of venueType of venue: not specifiedA maximum of 10 Hochzeitslocations can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Hochzeitslocations from the comparison.
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19,1 km (Distance from Glanegg)
9241 Wernberg, Carinthia, Austria
Number of people: Max. 150 personsType of venue:Inn Winter garden outdoorsInnWinter gardenoutdoorsbarnunusual venueA maximum of 10 Hochzeitslocations can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Hochzeitslocations from the comparison.
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29,7 km (Distance from Glanegg)
9500 Villach, Carinthia, Austria
Number of peopleType of venue:Lock Event location restaurantLockEvent locationrestauranthotelA maximum of 10 Hochzeitslocations can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Hochzeitslocations from the comparison.
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20,6 km (Distance from Glanegg)
9131 Grafenstein, Carinthia, Austria
Number of people: Max. 30 personsType of venue:restaurant outdoors private propertyrestaurantoutdoorsprivate propertyA maximum of 10 Hochzeitslocations can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Hochzeitslocations from the comparison.
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10,2 km (Distance from Glanegg)
9210 Pörtschach am Wörthersee, Carinthia, Austria
Number of peopleType of venueType of venue: not specifiedA maximum of 10 Hochzeitslocations can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Hochzeitslocations from the comparison.
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7,2 km (Distance from Glanegg)
9062 Moosburg, Carinthia, Austria
Number of peopleType of venue:unusual venueunusual venueA maximum of 10 Hochzeitslocations can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Hochzeitslocations from the comparison.
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25,7 km (Distance from Glanegg)
9521 Treffen am Ossiachersee, Carinthia, Austria
Number of peopleType of venue:restaurant hotelrestauranthotelA maximum of 10 Hochzeitslocations can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Hochzeitslocations from the comparison.
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15,9 km (Distance from Glanegg)
9220 Velden am Wörthersee, Carinthia, Austria
Number of peopleType of venue:hotelhotelA maximum of 10 Hochzeitslocations can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Hochzeitslocations from the comparison.
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12,5 km (Distance from Glanegg)
9020 Klagenfurt, Carinthia, Austria
Number of peopleType of venueType of venue: not specifiedA maximum of 10 Hochzeitslocations can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Hochzeitslocations from the comparison.
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29,5 km (Distance from Glanegg)
9500 Villach, Carinthia, Austria
Number of peopleType of venue:InnInnA maximum of 10 Hochzeitslocations can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Hochzeitslocations from the comparison.
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10,1 km (Distance from Glanegg)
9210 Pörtschach am Wörthersee, Carinthia, Austria
Number of peopleType of venue:hotelhotelA maximum of 10 Hochzeitslocations can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Hochzeitslocations from the comparison.
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