2 wedding venues found in in Fohnsdorf and 10 in surrounding area (from 3618)
2 wedding venues found in in Fohnsdorf and 10 in surrounding area (from 3618)
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8753 Fohnsdorf, Styria, Austria
number of people: Max. 120 personsType of venue:Lock restaurant hotelLockrestauranthotelA maximum of 10 Hochzeitslocations can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Hochzeitslocations from the comparison.
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8753 Fohnsdorf, Styria, Austria
number of people: Max. 75 personsType of venue:Event location hotel outdoorsEvent locationhoteloutdoorsbarnA maximum of 10 Hochzeitslocations can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Hochzeitslocations from the comparison.
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wedding venues in Fohnsdorf (2) are displayed up to here
From here follow wedding venues within a radius of 30 km around Fohnsdorf (10)
11,3 km (Distance from Fohnsdorf)
8732 Seckau, Styria, Austria
number of people: Max. 120 personsType of venue:Event location Inn hotelEvent locationInnhotelA maximum of 10 Hochzeitslocations can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Hochzeitslocations from the comparison.
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28,2 km (Distance from Fohnsdorf)
9462 Bad St. Leonhard, Carinthia, Austria
number of people: Max. 300 personsType of venue:Event location restaurant hotelEvent locationrestauranthotelWinter gardenoutdoorsForest weddingAlpine pastureprivate propertyunusual venueA maximum of 10 Hochzeitslocations can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Hochzeitslocations from the comparison.
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9,7 km (Distance from Fohnsdorf)
8734 Lobmingtal, Styria, Austria
number of people: Max. 150 personsType of venue:Event location restaurant InnEvent locationrestaurantInnoutdoorsA maximum of 10 Hochzeitslocations can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Hochzeitslocations from the comparison.
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7,2 km (Distance from Fohnsdorf)
8724 Spielberg, Styria, Austria
number of people: Max. 350 personsType of venue:Castle Event location restaurantCastleEvent locationrestaurantInnhoteloutdoorsunusual venueA maximum of 10 Hochzeitslocations can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Hochzeitslocations from the comparison.
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9 km (Distance from Fohnsdorf)
8734 Großlobming, Styria, Austria
number of people: Max. 70 personsType of venue:Lock restaurant hotelLockrestauranthotelWinter gardenoutdoorsA maximum of 10 Hochzeitslocations can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Hochzeitslocations from the comparison.
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3,5 km (Distance from Fohnsdorf)
8740 Zeltweg West, Styria, Austria
number of people: Max. 100 personsType of venue:Lock restaurantLockrestaurantA maximum of 10 Hochzeitslocations can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Hochzeitslocations from the comparison.
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4,9 km (Distance from Fohnsdorf)
8740 Zeltweg, Styria, Austria
number of people: Max. 60 personsType of venue:Lock restaurant hotelLockrestauranthoteloutdoorsA maximum of 10 Hochzeitslocations can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Hochzeitslocations from the comparison.
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25,1 km (Distance from Fohnsdorf)
9462 Bad St. Leonhard, Carinthia, Austria
number of people: Max. 60 personsType of venue:Lock Event location outdoorsLockEvent locationoutdoorsFarm/Country Houseprivate propertyvillaTent rentalunusual venueA maximum of 10 Hochzeitslocations can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Hochzeitslocations from the comparison.
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10,1 km (Distance from Fohnsdorf)
8720 Knittelfeld, Styria, Austria
number of people: Max. 80 personsType of venue:LockLockA maximum of 10 Hochzeitslocations can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Hochzeitslocations from the comparison.
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13,5 km (Distance from Fohnsdorf)
8734 Kleinlobming, Styria, Austria
number of peopleType of venueType of venue: not specifiedA maximum of 10 Hochzeitslocations can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Hochzeitslocations from the comparison.
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Getting married in Fohnsdorf – find your wedding location!
Here you will find top wedding locations in Fohnsdorf . Fantastic places to get married in this region, which is located in Styria, can be found and rated. Discover unique locations that offer that certain something for your wedding. Do you think there are more than 2 places to celebrate a wedding in Fohnsdorf? Whether it's a romantic castle, a rustic alpine pasture, a cozy inn or an unusual event location , help other bridal couples and enter more locations here for free: hochzeits-location.info/hochzeitslocation-vorschlagen
Looking for additional service providers for your wedding?
You can find the perfect wedding photographer for Styria at www.hochzeits-fotograf.info/Steiermark
You can find the best wedding bands for Styria at www.hochzeits-band.info/Steiermark
You can find the coolest wedding car or the most beautiful wedding carriage in Styria at www.hochzeits-auto.info/Steiermark
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