1 Wedding venues found in in Fischbachau and 34 in surrounding area (from 3409)
1 Wedding venues found in in Fischbachau and 34 in surrounding area (from 3409)
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83730 Fischbachau, Bavaria, Germany
Number of peopleType of venue:hotelhotelA maximum of 10 Hochzeitslocations can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Hochzeitslocations from the comparison.
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wedding venues in Fischbachau (1) are displayed up to here
From here follow wedding venues within a radius of 30 km around Fischbachau (34)
16,9 km (Distance from Fischbachau)
83707 Bad Wiessee, Bavaria, Germany
Number of people: Max. 120 personsType of venue:Event locationEvent locationA maximum of 10 Hochzeitslocations can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Hochzeitslocations from the comparison.
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16,7 km (Distance from Fischbachau)
83059 Kolbermoor , Bavaria, Germany
Number of people: Max. 130 personsType of venue:Event location restaurant outdoorsEvent locationrestaurantoutdoorsunusual venueA maximum of 10 Hochzeitslocations can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Hochzeitslocations from the comparison.
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12,6 km (Distance from Fischbachau)
83737 Irschenberg, Bavaria, Germany
Number of people: Max. 180 personsType of venue:Event location restaurant outdoorsEvent locationrestaurantoutdoorsunusual venueA maximum of 10 Hochzeitslocations can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Hochzeitslocations from the comparison.
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7,8 km (Distance from Fischbachau)
83735 Bayrischzell, Bavaria, Germany
Number of people: Max. 120 personsType of venue:hotel Alpine pasture unusual venuehotelAlpine pastureunusual venueA maximum of 10 Hochzeitslocations can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Hochzeitslocations from the comparison.
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22,1 km (Distance from Fischbachau)
6341 Ebbs, Tyrol, Austria
Number of people: Max. 50 personsType of venue:restaurant Inn hotelrestaurantInnhoteloutdoorsbarnFarm/Country Houseunusual venueA maximum of 10 Hochzeitslocations can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Hochzeitslocations from the comparison.
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24,4 km (Distance from Fischbachau)
6341 Ebbs, Tyrol, Austria
Number of people: Max. 80 personsType of venue:restaurant Inn hotelrestaurantInnhoteloutdoorsForest weddingFarm/Country HouseAlpine pastureprivate propertyunusual venueA maximum of 10 Hochzeitslocations can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Hochzeitslocations from the comparison.
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6,6 km (Distance from Fischbachau)
83727 Schliersee, Bavaria, Germany
Number of people: Max. 180 personsType of venue:Lock Event location outdoorsLockEvent locationoutdoorsForest weddingFarm/Country HouseAlpine pastureprivate propertyunusual venueA maximum of 10 Hochzeitslocations can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Hochzeitslocations from the comparison.
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17,8 km (Distance from Fischbachau)
83627 Warngau, Bavaria, Germany
Number of people: Max. 40 personsType of venue:Event location restaurant InnEvent locationrestaurantInnhoteloutdoorsForest weddingFarm/Country HouseAlpine pastureprivate propertyunusual venueA maximum of 10 Hochzeitslocations can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Hochzeitslocations from the comparison.
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7,9 km (Distance from Fischbachau)
83727 Schliersee, Bavaria, Germany
Number of people: Max. 100 personsType of venue:restaurant hotel outdoorsrestauranthoteloutdoorsAlpine pastureA maximum of 10 Hochzeitslocations can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Hochzeitslocations from the comparison.
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11,3 km (Distance from Fischbachau)
83080 Oberaudorf, Bavaria, Germany
Number of people: Max. 250 personsType of venue:Event location restaurant InnEvent locationrestaurantInnhotelWinter gardenoutdoorsForest weddingbarnFarm/Country HouseAlpine pastureThermal bathsTent rentalunusual venueA maximum of 10 Hochzeitslocations can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Hochzeitslocations from the comparison.
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12,9 km (Distance from Fischbachau)
83737 Irschenberg, Bavaria, Germany
Number of people: Max. 300 personsType of venue:Event location Farm/Country HouseEvent locationFarm/Country HouseA maximum of 10 Hochzeitslocations can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Hochzeitslocations from the comparison.
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7,9 km (Distance from Fischbachau)
83727 Schliersee, Bavaria, Germany
Number of people: Max. 100 personsType of venue:restaurant Inn outdoorsrestaurantInnoutdoorsbarnAlpine pastureprivate propertyBeachA maximum of 10 Hochzeitslocations can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Hochzeitslocations from the comparison.
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22,6 km (Distance from Fischbachau)
83104 Tuntenhausen, Bavaria, Germany
Number of people: Max. 190 personsType of venue:Event location Inn outdoorsEvent locationInnoutdoorsForest weddingbarnunusual venueA maximum of 10 Hochzeitslocations can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Hochzeitslocations from the comparison.
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28,1 km (Distance from Fischbachau)
6215 Achenkirch, Tyrol, Austria
Number of people: Max. 20 personsType of venue:hotelhotelA maximum of 10 Hochzeitslocations can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Hochzeitslocations from the comparison.
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17,8 km (Distance from Fischbachau)
83707 Bad Wiessee, Bavaria, Germany
Number of people: Max. 125 personsType of venue:restaurant hotel Forest weddingrestauranthotelForest weddingAlpine pastureA maximum of 10 Hochzeitslocations can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Hochzeitslocations from the comparison.
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29,1 km (Distance from Fischbachau)
6233 Kramsach, Tyrol, Austria
Number of people: Max. 70 personsType of venue:restaurant outdoorsrestaurantoutdoorsA maximum of 10 Hochzeitslocations can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Hochzeitslocations from the comparison.
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20,4 km (Distance from Fischbachau)
83022 Rosenheim, Bavaria, Germany
Number of people: Max. 400 personsType of venue:Event locationEvent locationA maximum of 10 Hochzeitslocations can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Hochzeitslocations from the comparison.
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29,8 km (Distance from Fischbachau)
83464 Bad Tölz, Bavaria, Germany
Number of people: Max. 120 personsType of venue:restaurant hotel Winter gardenrestauranthotelWinter gardenvillaA maximum of 10 Hochzeitslocations can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Hochzeitslocations from the comparison.
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14,8 km (Distance from Fischbachau)
83684 Tegernsee, Bavaria, Germany
Number of people: Max. 20 personsType of venue:hotelhotelA maximum of 10 Hochzeitslocations can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Hochzeitslocations from the comparison.
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3,4 km (Distance from Fischbachau)
83735 Bayrischzell, Bavaria, Germany
Number of peopleType of venueType of venue: not specifiedA maximum of 10 Hochzeitslocations can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Hochzeitslocations from the comparison.
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28,5 km (Distance from Fischbachau)
6344 Walchsee, Tyrol, Austria
Number of peopleType of venue:Event location restaurant InnEvent locationrestaurantInnhoteloutdoorsFarm/Country HouseA maximum of 10 Hochzeitslocations can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Hochzeitslocations from the comparison.
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25,7 km (Distance from Fischbachau)
83607 Holzkirchen, Bavaria, Germany
Number of people: Max. 120 personsType of venue:Event location restaurantEvent locationrestaurantA maximum of 10 Hochzeitslocations can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Hochzeitslocations from the comparison.
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22,5 km (Distance from Fischbachau)
6330 Kufstein, Tyrol, Austria
Number of peopleType of venue:LockLockA maximum of 10 Hochzeitslocations can be selected for comparison. Please first remove existing Hochzeitslocations from the comparison.
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Getting married in Fischbachau – find your wedding location!
Here you will find top wedding locations in Fischbachau. This region offers great wedding locations that can be found, requested and rated on this page. Discover special locations that have that certain something for your big day! Do you think there are more than 33 places to celebrate a wedding in Fischbachau? Whether it's a modern hotel , a romantic castle or simply outdoors , help other couples and add more locations here for free: hochzeits-location.info/hochzeitslocation-vorschlagen
Looking for additional service providers for your wedding?
You can find the perfect wedding photographer for Bavaria at www.hochzeits-fotograf.info/Bayern
You can find the best wedding bands for Bavaria at www.hochzeits-band.info/Bayern
You can find the coolest wedding car or the most beautiful wedding carriage in Bavaria at www.hochzeits-auto.info/Bayern
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