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food and drinks
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  • number of people: Max. 200 persons
  • Type of venue:
    event location outdoors Forest wedding all...
    event location
    Forest wedding
    Farm/Country House
    private property
    unusual venue
  • Church: 3 km
  • total usable area: 1000 sqm
  • registry office: 3 km
  • barrier-free location
  • price level:
  • Suitable for:
    Wedding Event location Company Christmas party all...
    Event location
    Company Christmas party
    Birthday party
    Product presentation
    Seminars and meetings
    Theatre and musicals
  • wolidays (wedding+holiday)
  • wedding style
    wedding style: not specified

Description wedding venue

In the middle of greenery – far away from stress and worries – our newly renovated business offers space to enjoy and celebrate.
Our entire company is an ideal place to celebrate parties. What is particularly appreciated is that we are independent of caterers, party suppliers, etc. This means that our location can be designed according to your own wishes.
As a service, we offer our guests a constantly growing selection of bands/DJs, party suppliers, florists, catering options and other program items such as fire shows.
Our event zone includes:
Industrial style bar area ~ 40m2
Lounge area adjacent ~ 40m2
Seating area: 60 m2 – offers space for approx. 50 guests
Area can also be equipped with standing tables
can accommodate up to 200 people
covered terrace ~ 35m2 – smoking area
spacious outdoor area – green area with stone wall, forest, small pond
Roof terrace ~ 90 m2
additional space for catering and other background activities
Parking spaces right outside the front door
Depending on which area you want to use, we can accommodate a total of 200 people.
It is best to call immediately and arrange an appointment for a viewing/consultation.
0650/ 714 93 06
We are happy!

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Properties wedding venue LoRe Cocktailmanufaktur | Destillerie

  • Type of venue:
    event location
    Forest wedding
    Farm/Country House
    private property
    unusual venue
  • Suitable for:
    Event location
    Company Christmas party
    Birthday party
    Product presentation
    Seminars and meetings
    Theatre and musicals
  • wedding style
  • spring wedding
  • summer wedding
  • autumn wedding

  • number of people: Max. 200 persons
  • total usable area: 1000 sqm
  • Number of rooms: 1
  • Largest hall/room: 200 sqm
  • Information about the banquet halls
  • outdoor wedding
  • price level:
  • Cost: Depending on the day of the week and the desired equipment, the rent is at least € 250.00.

    Basic equipment:
    6 trapezoidal tables in light gray, 14 armchairs, 5 high tables, lounge area for 15 people and bar area

    There are small additional costs for extra equipment such as tables/high tables/armchairs etc.

    We are happy to offer tablecloths, high table covers or chair covers for a low cleaning fee.

    If desired, we can set tables and high tables according to your preferences.

    You will also have to pay these additional costs.

    We are happy to offer you the equipment you want without obligation.

    Catering is freely selectable!

    Drinks come from our company! From draft beer to iced tea to gin and tonic - we offer a great selection!
  • Opening hours for wedding celebrations:
    Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday public holidays
    closed all day Open all day Open all day Open all day Open all day Open all day closed all day closed all day
  • Information on curfew: At 3:00 a.m. the event should slowly come to an end.
  • Smoke:
    only outdoors
  • terrace
  • Garden
  • marquee
  • bar
  • possible table formats:
    Single tables round
  • Covers:
  • private company
  • barrier-free location
  • Space for champagne reception
  • Space for Agape
  • last renovation: 01.09.2019
  • Video
  • more documents

  • stage: 35 m²
  • dance floor: for 25 persons
  • Music system
  • High voltage
  • air conditioning
  • projector
  • canvas
  • Wireless microphones
  • Throw rice
  • candy bar

  • Vicinity:
    on land
  • freestanding
  • Church: 3 km
  • registry office: 3 km
  • Location for bride kidnapping: 0.2 km
  • Accommodation: 3 km
  • Motorway exit: 25 km
  • public transportation: 10 km
  • parking:
    for free
    Bus parking
  • not available
  • Connection taxi/shuttle service
  • Altitude: 750 Altitude
  • Next photo opportunity: Waxenberg Castle Ruins - Dream Area x3
  • charging station for electric cars

  • next hotel: 3 km
  • not specified

  • Description of the gastronomy: What is particularly appreciated is that we are independent of caterers, party suppliers, etc. This means that our location can be designed according to your wishes.
    As a service, we offer our guests a constantly growing selection of catering options and other program items. This means that you can choose your preferred flavor. We look forward to your call!
  • wedding dinner:
  • external catering
  • Additional charges for external catering: If you do the entire planning yourself, including catering and party supplies, etc., you will only have to pay the room rental or a small plate fee (€2.50 per person).
  • Space for buffet
  • Corkage fee: no corkage fee
  • no own kitchen
  • beverages: Freistädter beer, Bio Zwickl, Zwickl-Radler, Gösser Märzen, Cola, Almdudler, Mairinger fruit juices, LoRe cocktails, gin and tonic from pressure barrels, soda, a variety of white/red wine, coffee
  • possible special requests: We can accommodate (almost) all special requests. We would be happy to discuss our options with you personally.

  • Offers in high season: We know that your wedding day should be a very special one. That is precisely why we are open to your design and decoration ideas. We are happy to help you plan the location and offer a cost-effective option for your celebration. Depending on the equipment you want, a celebration with us is possible from just €250.00 (rental fee/without catering). You are welcome to decorate yourself, but working with party suppliers is also very popular.
  • Low season offer

  • wolidays (wedding+holiday)
  • wolidays offer
  • Highlights by season

Location wedding venue

Route planner


    only accessible by car or bus!

    coming from Zwettl/Rodl:
    towards Oberneukirchen - through the market to Waxenberg
    in Waxenberg turn right towards Helfenberg
    follow the road for about 3 km through the woods - stay on the main road until the LoRe sign appears on the left side of the road. Turn left, turn right - welcome!

    coming from Helfenberg:
    in Helfenberg turn towards Waxenberg - follow the road for about 8 km through the woods - stay on the main road until the LoRe sign appears on the right side of the road. Turn right, turn right - welcome!

    coming from St.Veit im Mkr:
    follow the road towards Waxenberg.
    in Waxenberg turn left towards Helfenberg.
    follow the road for about 3 km through the woods - stay on the main road until the LoRe sign appears on the left side of the road. Turn left, turn right - welcome!


    • Höf
    • Latitude : 48.499150
    • Longitude : 14.175210

    Route planner Contact

    wedding venue reviews 10


    Overall impression 5,0
    Recommendation 5,0
    food and drinks 4,9
    Furnishing 4,8
    Ambience 5,0
    cleanliness 5,0
    service 5,0
    reliability 5,0
    Friendliness of staff 5,0
    Friendliness owner 5,0
    Price-performance ratio 4,9

    wedding venue LoRe Cocktailmanufaktur | Destillerie rate now

    5,0 / 5

    2 reviews

    via: Tripadvisor

    5,0 / 5

    27 reviews

    via: Google

    Overall impression

    für kleinere Feiern IDEAL

    Wir haben uns die Location vor Ort angesehen. Uns allerdings aufgrund des Platzes für eine andere entscheiden müssen. Schade, denn dieses moderne Plätzchen, das sich mitten im Grün befindet, hätte echt unseren Stil getroffen! Da sie allerdings nur maximal 60 Personen an den Tischen unterbringen, haben wir uns umentscheiden müssen. Ich werde aber meine Geburtstagsfeier bei der LoRe ausrichten! :) Und freu mich schon sehr drauf! :)

    Hannelore S. visited LoRe Cocktailmanufaktur | Destillerie in Januar 2020 .

    Overall impression

    sehr nettes, junges Team

    Wir sind beeindruckt von der jungen Chefin, die auch die köstlichen Schnäpse und den Gin selbst herstellt. Echt beeindruckend, was die junge Frau mit Ihrer Familie auf die Beine gestellt hat!

    Heidi K. visited LoRe Cocktailmanufaktur | Destillerie in Januar 2020 .

    Overall impression

    coole Location

    sehr modern und echt zum Wohlfühlen. Antwortet sehr rasch auf E-Mail-Anfragen und gibt auch gerne Auskunft per Telefon.

    Susanne F. visited LoRe Cocktailmanufaktur | Destillerie in Januar 2020 .

    Overall impression

    auch die eigenen Produkte sind echt lecker

    ja, feiern kann man richtig gut hier! Ich war bei der Voreröffnung mit dabei und echt fasziniert was die Familie Priglinger-Simader hier geschaffen hat! Bei der Veranstaltung wurde Lauf-Catering geboten. Das heißt, es war eine Veranstaltung mit Stehtischen - sitzen konnte man im Loungebereich - und die Kellnerinnen gingen ununterbrochen mit Getränken und Häppchen durch die Menschenmenge. Das war eine tolle Veranstaltung! Hat sehr lecker geschmeckt, besonders das Gin-Tonic! mmmmh

    Harald B. visited LoRe Cocktailmanufaktur | Destillerie in August 2019 .

    Overall impression

    echt sehr edel

    Wenn man zum Gebäude fährt, dann denkt man erst: Ja nett, ein Bauernhof. Kommt man dann allerdings auf die Gebäuderückseite - dem Haupteingang des Veranstaltungsraums - wird man geflasht! Sieht sehr edel aus! Ist komplett modern eingerichtet. Wenn man den Raum betritt, hat man gleich Lust ordentlich zu feiern! :)

    Herbert M. visited LoRe Cocktailmanufaktur | Destillerie in September 2019 .

    Overall impression


    Wir hatten unsere Polterei bei LoRe! Das war echt lässig! :D Regina, die Betreiberin, hat mit uns eine Schnapsralley gemacht. Sehr lustige Veranstaltung mit Party-Abschluss in der Destillerie. Das war echt unvergesslich!

    Lukas S. visited LoRe Cocktailmanufaktur | Destillerie in August 2019 .

    Overall impression

    sehr cooles Ambiente mit Blick auf die Destillerie

    wenn man einen besonderen Platz zum Feiern sucht, ist man hier richtig! Der Raum hat gestaffelte Preise, je nach Ausstattung. Es ist also kostengünstiges Feiern möglich! Grad bei kleineren Hochzeitsfeiern echt toll! Bar ist dabei! Gin-Tonic gibt's vom Fass! Und wenn man will, kann man sich einen Hochzeitscocktail wünschen! <3 sehr sehr cool!

    Sonja P. visited LoRe Cocktailmanufaktur | Destillerie in September 2019 .

    Overall impression

    ein toller moderner Betrieb im Mühlviertel

    ganz besonders toll gefällt mir, dass der Event-Bereich superflexibel gestaltbar ist! Egal ob man Stehtische möchte oder lange, stilvoll gedeckte Tafeln. Ob mehrere kleine Tische oder U-Form - hier sind keine Grenzen gesetzt.
    wedding venue operator's note from 24.09.2019:
    vielen Dank für Ihre tolle Bewertung!
    Wir freuen uns über die positive Resonanz!
    LG, Team LoRe

    Contact the wedding venue operator

    Sabine K. visited LoRe Cocktailmanufaktur | Destillerie in September 2019 .

    Non-binding inquiry to LoRe Cocktailmanufaktur | Destillerie

    at least 20 characters

    Here you can indicate in which areas you still need support with wedding planning. If you activate the respective industry, we will send you suitable suggestions. Service providers who are available on your desired date can also send you a contact request. This makes planning even easier for you.

    I have read the data protection declaration .


    opening hours

    opening hours:
    Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday public holidays
    closed all day Open all day Open all day Open all day Open all day Open all day closed all day closed all day

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    All information about wedding venue LoRe Cocktailmanufaktur | Destillerie is without guarantee

    Public questions and answers about LoRe Cocktailmanufaktur | Destillerie

    Here you will find general questions and answers about the wedding venue entry. Ask a question if you have a public, general concern that might also be of interest to other visitors.

    Click here to ask an individual question to the wedding venue entry .

    I have read the data protection declaration .


    Note: Please note, public questions are visible to all visitors .

    Click here to ask an individual question to the wedding venue entry .

    • Muss man ein bestimmtes Catering nehmen? oder darf ich mir das aussuchen? gibt es auch eigene Küche? lg, Gudrun
      Gudrun S. asks
      • Liebe Gudrun, sehr gerne kannst du dein Lieblings-Catering für deinen schönsten Tag buchen. Wir empfehlen allerdings, einen Caterer aus der näheren Umgebung zu wählen, um Transportwege zu vermeiden. Außerdem kennen diese den "Hausbrauch" bei uns. ;) LG, Team LoRe

        the operator replies on 24.09.2019

      now ask your own question

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