Questions, comments, need help?

Here you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions (FAQs) as well as help on how to use the portal.

Answers to questions
from bridal couples :

Your question: How can I find a suitable wedding location for my wedding?
Our answer: There are many ways to find the perfect place to say yes. Some drive across the country, others ask their neighbors, and still others use Or as we call our baby: holi. On holi, brides and grooms are sure to find the right location for their big day by searching in detail for location, type of location, surroundings, cuisine, etc. Soon, hundreds of wedding locations throughout Austria will be available to you.

Your question: Which locations are listed on Holi?
Our answer: All places that claim to be suitable for a wedding. You can also register a suitable location with us free of charge and without obligation . And by the way, we are pleased that you already call our sweetheart holi. ;)

Your question: Where do the reviews come from and who faked them?
Our answer: Our reviews come from couples who have already sailed into the harbor of marriage and their guests. We naturally try to check all reviews to the extent that we can detect fake reviews. In this case, we send a nasty email to the author and delete the review. We cannot guarantee that every review is 100% accurate, but we can guarantee that we look at every review carefully.

Your question: Where does all the data about the locations come from?
Our answer: Some of the data is provided by the wedding locations, some by visitors to the website. Everyone has the opportunity to make suggestions for improvements to the locations on the respective detail page.

Your question: What benefit do I get from providing data or rating a location?
Our answer: A good feeling! ;) And - seriously: You help future couples find the perfect place for their wedding and us with our project. And if our business is doing well, we'll definitely return the favor. Promise!

Your question: How much does it cost me to use
Our answer: Maybe a nerve or two if something doesn't work right away, otherwise absolutely nothing.

Your question: How do I get my desired date at my desired location?
Our answer: If you have found the right wedding location, then go for it immediately. Really, the top locations are sometimes booked up more than a year in advance, so don't waste any time. Every location should be reachable via the contact form on the details page of the entry. If an email address is missing somewhere and your message does not arrive, we will give you the correct details or at least a telephone number.

Your question: Who are you and why do you do this?
Our answer: You'll never know! Hahaha! (Hopefully no one finds the " About us " page) :o

Answers to questions
from wedding venue operators :

Your question: You keep writing about new access records. Yet the number of accesses to my profile and the associated enquiries are constantly decreasing. How can that be?
Our answer: As the number of hits increases, so does the number of our premium partners. Premium partners receive additional ranking points and automatically move up in the rankings. For example, from 2018 to 2019 we had an increase of over 40% among premium partners. This means that some free basic entries that have received a lot of hits in recent years automatically slip down a few places. This means that despite increasing access numbers, some profiles lose visibility. The solution is simple: By booking one of our premium packages, your location ends up higher up as usual. Our most popular premium product is Premium (medium package) with 250 extra points. You can find out which features are included here: . To make a booking, please click on .

Your question: Why is my location (not) listed on
Our answer: We basically add every wedding location to our platform that is communicated to us or that we come across while surfing the World Wide Web. Each location then receives an email from us with the access link to the administration area. If your location is missing, you can add your business here at any time, free of charge and without obligation .

Your question: How much does the listing on cost?
Our answer: The basic entry with all functions is free and non-binding. However, you are welcome to increase your visibility with a paid premium entry. You can find all the details about premium entries here .

Your question: How do I get my login details if my location is already on
Our answer: You can easily request a registration link. Simply contact us by email at and you will receive access to the administration area of ​​your entry and can get the most out of it! Click here to go to the registration page .

Your question: How do I get the most out of my entry?
Our answer: The most important thing is that your entry on is complete! In the administration area, you can see at any time how complete your entry already is using the overview graphic. If you want to quickly reach 100% completeness, simply display the properties that are not filled in. What you must not forget are pictures! A picture says more than 1,000 words, but what do 10 or more pictures say? We have no limit on the number of pictures. So show potential brides and grooms as much of your location as possible. And the SECRET TIP par excellence: collect reviews!

Your question: Why collect reviews?
Our answer: Reviews create trust and have a positive effect on your ranking in the search results. Even reviews that are not quite perfect will clearly help you. From experience, we can say that a 3-star review often brings in more customers than seven 5-star reviews!

Your question: What do I do if the reviews are unfair and untrue?
Our answer: We have strict guidelines for reviews. Just as we do not allow fake reviews, we also do not allow false reviews. Our guidelines in detail:

The texts in the comments must not be illegal or immoral. The fundamental rights of the Council of Europe serve as a benchmark. Please note in particular:

  • No insults, no obscenities, no untruths
  • No statements that are not directly related to the quality of this wedding location entry
  • No comparisons with other wedding location entries
  • Only self-created content
  • No evaluation by the wedding location operator himself, his relatives, employees or other authorized persons
  • No anonymous reviews (the full first and last name is only visible to the wedding venue operator)

This of course also means that bad reviews will not be removed on demand, provided they comply with the guidelines. There is no point in complaining, no attempts at bribery and, least of all, threats. In the event of a dispute, we seek contact with both parties and are happy to act as a neutral mediator.

Your question: What do I do if incorrect data was entered for my location?
Our answer: Either correct it yourself or let us know . You can find out how to get your login details a little further up. If you suspect misuse, please inform us immediately. We want a lot on, but we definitely don't want misuse and incorrect data!

Your question: Are there any statistics on what the entry on brings me?
Our answer: First and foremost, you will see the enquiries you receive from our portal in your email inbox. However, since the indirect success of your entry is not always immediately apparent, a statistics function is in the works. This will be visible in your administration area in the future and will hopefully provide you with nice figures.

Your question: I don't want to be listed on, what should I do?
Our answer: Please send us an email to We will of course delete your entry at your request.

Oh, that's it? We will expand this fun question and answer game if necessary and are happy to be available to all wedding couples, guests and venue operators via email until then!

Your team