hochzeits-location.info is the best address
for your wedding location in Austria.

The portal currently has over 2,400 wedding locations in 8 countries in Central Europe to choose from - and new locations with that certain something are added every day. Bride and groom can put together their individual dream location to say "I do" using a Google map and well-sorted, extensive search filters.

There are over 70 properties available, such as type of location, capacity, location or price category.
The result: all locations that meet the respective criteria at a glance. The platform thrives on an active community! Every wedding location can be rated. This way, future couples can build on the experience of their predecessors and their guests.

You want to write, blog, find out about hochzeits-location.info, etc. Then visit our press page at http://presse.hochzeits-location.info . We are of course happy to provide you with further information in person.

hochzeits-location.info - Who is behind it?

hochzeits-location.info was founded by three friends who have already planned their own wedding and are well aware of the pitfalls of preparation.

The team of hochzeits-location.info


Bernhard married his wife Barbara in 2005 in the Salzburg area. After a few years in Vienna, they moved to rural Friedburg, about 30 minutes by car from Salzburg. Bernhard is a freelance graphic designer and has been developing layouts for websites for many years and loves to create flyers and brochures. He and Barbara have two sons and enjoy country life with them to the fullest. Other hobbies in addition to their hobbies, which they have already turned into careers, include holidays, reading and hiking.

Friendly photographers

We are very happy that we can rely on a large number of great photographers as our core team.
Without you our website would not be what it is today.
At this point a big THANK YOU to our photographer friends.

hochzeits-location.info - Why do we do this?

The motivation for setting up a search platform for wedding locations in Austria is easy to explain: the passion for weddings and personal experience of the challenges that can be faced when planning one. Everything should be perfect on the big day. The right wedding location is one of the most important factors for a successful wedding celebration! Unfortunately, finding one is not always that easy.

This is where hochzeits-location.info comes into play!

The platform makes it easier for couples who still have their most beautiful day ahead of them to find their dream location. On hochzeits-location.info you can get as accurate a picture as possible of the staff, service, equipment and hosts in advance. The decisive factors are the reviews and experiences of other couples and their guests, which are available here at a glance. Our goal is to offer both couples and wedding locations a platform where they can feel comfortable and benefit from the active community. So that the most beautiful day of your life is unforgettable!

For the technical realization of the project, we got support from a German team of programmers .