hochzeits-location.info is a search platform
with individual results list.

The ranking on the search page of hochzeits-location.info is based on the total number of points,
which consists of the following 3 criteria :

1) Completeness of data (max. 100 points)
The more information (contact details, equipment, ...) you have provided about your wedding location and
The more pictures you upload, the higher you will appear.

2) Number of ratings (max. 100 points)
With each review, your ranking increases compared to the competition. Whether it is positive
It doesn't matter whether it's positive or negative feedback.

3) Place a PREMIUM ENTRY (250, 400 or 500 points)
Enhance your listing with a paid PREMIUM PLACEMENT.
In addition, premium partners receive a number of additional features (see http://premium.hochzeits-location.info/ )

Price-performance overview from hochzeits-location.info

You can find more information about hochzeits-location.info under " Information for location operators ".